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The Red Dragon

Sunday, 9th July 2000

Your command, Deadbeef? [A] : A


You hit The Red Dragon for 6,027 damage!
The earth shakes as the mighty beast falls.

You find a Gem!

You have defeated The Red Dragon!


Wednesday, 29th March 2000

[ db@yak ] [ Wed Mar 29 11:24:05am ]
[ ~ ]$ uptime
11:24am up 201 days, 23:01, 2 users, load average: 1.07, 1.02, 1.00

Looking for submissions from NT administrators with similar uptimes.
My apologies for the brief update.

-1 Insightful

Tuesday, 4th January 2000

The joy of reading slashdot posts just keeps increasing, soon it will overcome
me. People with a clue flaming people without a clue, people without a clue flaming people
who have a clue, people who have missed the point flaming random people.

In the last couple of days I have wittnessed people flaming the GPL because
the Quake/QW source release has made them lose at Quake III
I have seen people doing feature comparisons bettween KDE and XFree86 (?!) and
concluding that KDE is superior (!?!!!).
I have seen people praising an enlightenment theme because it was about time
someone captured the look of a nice enlighenment theme without the added bloat
and unreliability of enlightenment (?!?!??)
I have seen just about every git and his disciples begin his/her post with
"I know I am going to get moderated down for this...."
I have seen people post nothing but their .sig
I have seen someone say that his computer crashes randomly ( spontaneous
reboot ) with every operating system he has every tried, and then proceeds to
flame linux for being unreliable.

Please dont let any of these people breed.


Wednesday, 29th December 1999

Heres my token decss download url's. Linux tarball: ftp://yak.osoal.org.nz/pub/db/decss.tar.gz ftp://yak.osoal.org.nz/pub/db/decss.tar.gz Windows zip: ftp://yak.osoal.org.nz/pub/db/decss.zip ftp://yak.osoal.org.nz/pub/db/decss.zip This program takes an encrypted DVD stream and removes the encryption. If you havent a clue why I would be mirroring something like this, read the slashdot article regarding legal action against people distributing it.

Tricks for the paranoid

Thursday, 18th November 1999

For all those people still using bad old ftp to retrieve those all important
core dumps, and dead.letter files and yet hassling other people for using telnet to transmit their passwords in plain text.

scp mykradopenbsdmachine:/home/r00t/core .

43 days till armageddon children.


Saturday, 6th November 1999


Have a yiffy day

Saturday, 30th October 1999

/me waves at the people sending "unsubscribe yiff" / "subscribe yiff" and
variants thereof to majordomo on yak.

Generally Crap Midi

Wednesday, 8th September 1999

The midi on the awe 64 absolutely sucks sheep gonads, i'm going to resurect the
old ensoniq soundscape elite.

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© 2009 Lincoln Reid <lincoln@osoal.org.nz>